WEAFEO by Countries
Brunei Darussalam
WEAFEO Resources
- WEAFEO Documents
- Organisation Chart of WEAFEO
- Regulation of WEAFEO
- Background of WEAFEO
- Formation of WEAFEO
- WEAFEO Country Report
WEAFEO Officials
Chairlady – Engr. Emiliana Patal-Dela Cruz (PTC, Philippines)
Secretary General – Ir. Assoc. Prof. Eur. Ing. Dr Syuhaida Ismail (IEM, Malaysia)
About Us
We, representing the Woman Engineers of the national engineering organizations under the umbrella of the Asean Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO), comprising woman members engaged in the common professional pursuit of engineering, aware of the important role of engineering to the advancement of the social, economic,and industrial development of the ASEAN Region; concerted in the effort to elevate and improve the quality of life of the ASEAN people dynamic actions, productivity, increase employment opportunities and equitable distribution of wealth among the masses of the ASEAN nations; united in our consensus to participate actively in any industrial and technological programs of the ASEAN; desirous of exchanging and sharing engineering technology; concerned in rendering protection of our basic professional rights; cognizant of the need to establish harmony and rapport among the woman members of our profession; and having formally associated ourselves, do hereby ordain and promulgate these Constitution and By-Laws.
To be dynamic and progressive organization that leads to the development of woman engineers in the ASEAN region.
- To promote understanding, goodwill and co-operation among woman engineers.
- To promote and exchange ideas, concerns and experiences.
- To support the purposes and objectives of the AFEO.
Member Organizations
- Pertubuhan Ukur Jurutera & Arkitek (PUJA)
- Board of Engineers Cambodia (BEC)
- Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)
- Lao Union of Science and Engineering Associations (LUSEA)
- The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
- Federation of Myanmar Engineering Society (Fed.MES)
- The Philippine Technological Council (PTC)
- The Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES)
- The Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT)
- Vietnam Union of Science and Technological Associations (VUSTA)